5 years later...2019. A New Beginning

Today is January 3, 2019

My last post was in 2013. So yea, it's been about 5 years and life has happened. It has been a good ride and we've had many joyous family moments.
I've been busy. very busy, too busy.
How do you begin to put into a post the past 5 years?
My kids are now 16 and 8. We live in our dream home and I have a dream job which took a while to get to. I am also the owner of my own business, a hidden talent I discovered and developed in the past few years ( facepainting). My website is funkyfacesbysteph.com.
My husband and I will be celebrating 18 years of marriage in 3 days. Wow, life sure happens whether you're ready or not.
Yesterday was day 1 of my 10 day social media fast. I deleted Facebook, Instagram and YouTube from my phone. My soul needed a reset and I am also following council from my spiritual leaders.
Day 2 has been good. I didn't realize how dependent I was of those websites and how often during the day I would reach for my phone for no reason at all, to mindlessly browse other people's lives while mine just passed me by. I hope this reset will help me reevaluate what really matters and put things into priority. I am ready for a change in 2019. I feel like this is my year.
This is the year I turn 40 and I want my life to be better as I make it better. I want to be better in many ways. I want to be a better mom and wife, a better daughter and sister. I want to be better to the people who surround me daily. I want to be a better Christian and friend. I want to be better at taking care of my body. Something that I've been  neglecting too much in the past 40 years ( except for that one year in 2013 which I didn't). I want to dream big dreams again and learn new things. I want to love unconditionally and be loved in return. I know great things are in store for me and I am ready for it.
In 2018 I became debt free. I paid off my personal credit card debt which had been weighing me down for years and taken away so much life from me. I say life because of the countless nights I would lay in bed worrying or crying about the debt I was in, feeling alone and in despair, not knowing how I got into it and how I would ever get out. But life has a way of teaching us at the right time. I needed to go through all that so I could learn and not return to that place. Being on the other side is amazing. It feels amazing and I am so proud of myself. So now this year it's time to tackle my weight and my health.
My weight is back to where it was before I lost it 5 years ago. My body has found comfort in this weight, it's my comfort weight. My body doesn't want to be uncomfortable, leave me be he says... in this weight I can eat all the chocolate and ice cream I want and sit here on the couch and not have to work out. Leave me be he says...leave me be. But I don't want to be this person in this body. I want to be the best version of me possible, and that person is at least 40 pounds lighter. That person is happier and has more energy and is healthier. So it's time . The time is now.
This blog will be more like a journal. I had always been a great at keeping a journal, until about the time I got married and had kids, then it really became more of a once a year type thing. I'd like to start over. This is the year to start over and retake projects and be better.
My theme for 2019 is : The best version of me.
So join me as I take on this new year and new journey. I am excited and scared. But more excited than anything. You might notice me changing the name of my blog and a few other things.
Until next time,


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